Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Tuesday - September 28, 2004

Connecting Two Dots

An initial quick view would find the average reader wondering what the connection is between these two stories but a connection there is.

Start with reading an excellent piece by Professor Mike Adams about Margaret Sanger.  Who’s she?  The woman almost single handedly responsible for the abortion movement in the US.

And this bitch was no shining light of idealism.  Some of the stuff she advocates makes ME look like a piker!

For example, she:

“embraced tenets of Nazism, terrorism-and abortion for any reason at any time”

How about this:

“advised women to avoid pregnancy by consuming quinine (a medicine used to fight malaria) and laxatives “to assist with the menstrual flow.” Apparently, in the twisted mind of Margaret Sanger, a bowel movement a day, keeps the baby away. ”

In a speech she advocated the abortion of those she considered “undesirables” and had this to say:

“(It) makes possible the spread of scientific knowledge of the elements of sound breeding. It makes possible the creation of a new race; a new generation brought into this world consciously conceived. It makes possible the breeding out of human weeds-the defective and criminal classes-(and) the breeding in of the clean, strong and fit instruments to carry the torch of human destiny.”

She proposed the following to Congress:

1. To “control the intake and output of morons, mental defectives, epileptics.”
2. To “take an inventory of the secondary group such as illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends; classify them in special departments under government medical protection, and segregate them on farms…”

Last but not least in my quotes from this article is this quote attributed to her:

“The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it”

Read Adams’ article and check out his list of questions you should ask your local abortion clinic.

Now read this. It’s a column by Ellen Goodman titled “Is the right outbreeding the left?”

Remember this post? We brought this concept to you then.

I love this quote:

“When secular-minded Americans (pro-abortionists) decide to have few, if any, children, they unwittingly give a strong evolutionary advantage to the other side of the culture divide.”

Of course the “other side” she’s referring to is Christian conservatives who are pro-life.

Even better is this one:

“the left has birth-controlled, aborted, and maybe also gay-libbed itself into a smaller role in American society.”

We can only hope, eh?

Now do you see the connection between the two articles?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/28/2004 at 05:37 AM   
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calendar   Monday - September 27, 2004

Senator Asshat Speaks

No, not Kerry. The other Senator Asshat. Teddy “The Hut” Kennedy. He says we’re gonna get nuked, we’re stuck in a quagmire and we need to get more money to the Iraqis to stop the insurgents.

‘’The war in Iraq has made the mushroom cloud more likely, not less likely,’’ he said in the remarks released late Sunday.

Expanding on earlier suggestions that Iraq is Bush’s Vietnam, Kennedy said U.S. soldiers are bogged down in a quagmire with no end in sight.

He said it was a good thing Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis, one of the darker periods of his late brother’s John Kennedy’s time as president.

Give me a freakin’ break, Teddy-boy! This gloom and doom shit is starting to wear thin. And your bloviating on the Senate floor is really starting to chap my ass, buddy. But comparing Bush to the cowboy antics of your late brother during the Cuban missile crisis is quite appropriate. JFK almost started a nuclear war over that one.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/27/2004 at 06:04 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - September 25, 2004

Tales Told By Idiots

When I first saw the lead-in to this story I knew it was going to be good.  And I was right--as usual!  tongue wink

Tell me if this does not encapsulate in a few words what the Kerry campaign is all about:

“A tale told by an idiot; full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

Thank you, thank you, William Shakespeare!!!!!

Phil Brennan goes on to detail some of the “sound and fury” behind Fuckface’s campaign like the dissension within the ranks regarding what they should be doing:

The idiot’s tale has been observed up close by none other than long-time Democrat pro Tony Coehlo, who ran Al Gore’s campaign early in the 2000 presidential race.  “There is nobody in charge and you have these two teams that are generally not talking to each other,”

He then gets into the Kerry campaign’s attempt to deflect the torpedoes unleashed at their candidate by the SBVFT ads by insisting President Bush got preferential treatment in the Guard.

From there he segues right into the CBS mess and how disingenuous Mary Mapes and C-B.S. were in their coverage of not only Blather-gate but the Abu Ghraib prisoner harassment.  Mary Mapes said she spent MONTHS and MONTHS trying to find those pictures.  She talks of how difficult it was and how much of it was from “whispered” accounts.  Yet back in January when Mapes was supposedly chasing down whispers, CNN AND the military admitted there were pictures--and they didn’t whisper this, it was announced to the world.  Damn, sure is a LOUD whisper.

But then again, what can you expect from a deceitful bitch who admits spending 5 years tracking down President Bush’s National Guard non-story?  And C-B.S. still says it is not biased?  Yeah, right!

But most damning of all is what the author of this piece quotes from Mapes’ own father:

“I’m really ashamed of what my daughter has become. She’s a typical liberal. She went into journalism with an ax to grind, and that was to promote radical feminism.”

I’m sorry as a father that my daughter was the producer of it.

His daughter, he suggested, is intellectually dishonest

If my father said that about me I’d be devastated. They’d be like arrows to the heart. The wounds would bleed heavily inside. But we must remember we’re dealing with a Dummycrap.  Mary Mapes will wear those comments like a badge of honor.  Or maybe....journalistic purple hearts?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/25/2004 at 06:51 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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calendar   Friday - September 24, 2004

It’s Been A Long Week

Yeah, I’m back from the hurricane-ravaged areas of South Alabama. Finally. For the record, I have several hundred members of my extended family in LA (Lower Alabama) and the Florida Panhandle. Several of them are staying with me this weekend just to get a hot bath and hot food. I’ve got bruises all over my arms and legs from wrestling tree limbs off of roads (and houses). I’m exhausted but I feel good. Helping family and friends is its own reward. It’s too bad Liberals and Democraps don’t feel like doing these kinds of good deeds. They’d rather pass the responsibility off to the government and tax you and me to pay for it. If you REALLY want to understand the difference between Liberals and Conservatives, there you have it. Liberals tend to be self-centered, unreliable, slackers who think government is the answer to everything. In the world I live in, government is the last place we look for when we need help. We rely on each other and our families and friends first. After all, that is what made this country great in the first place wasn’t it?

What are my relatives biggest concern right now? How will Alabama do against Arkansas tomorrow after the Tide lost Brodie Croyle, Bama’s starting quarterback last weekend to a season-ending injury. You gotta love these folks.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/24/2004 at 06:05 PM   
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Vilmar’s Latest Excellent Adventures

This ought to get your blood boiling.

Last night a bunch of us Republicans went out to exercise our First Amendment right to free speech (and free assembly) in front of the local Democratic Headquarters.

We’ve done this before and most of the local Dems take it in the spirit that it is given and exchange points of view with us.  We don’t cuss them out, we don’t physically challenge them, we don’t molest them, we do not go on their property, we do not approach nor do we intimidate them (or so I thought until last night.)

We had a couple of huge honkin’ Bush/Cheney signs (4 foot by 8 foot), and a bunch of smaller signs.  We stood at the entrance of the road leading to the Dem Hq and held up our signs and yelled things like “4 more years!”; “Who’s in the White House?  Bush!  Bush!  Bush!!”: “Don’t be a girlie man!  Vote Bush”; “Flip-Flop” and other stuff directed at Kerry.  Plus we made donkey noises. (those were fun!)

This went on for about 45 minutes as the Dems made their way to their HQ to listen to some geek from Kerry’s campaign talk to them.  (Note:  let me tell you, if the size of the crowd was any indication, Kerry is in a shit load of trouble.  I counted no more than 20 or so cars there.)

Then a goon came out of their HQ and stood there staring at us.  Then a couple of other goons came out.  Then Number 1 goon pulls out a cell phone.  We continue to taunt them (visions of Monty Python come to mind), never getting closer than 50 or so feet to the entrance of their building (where they were.) One of the other goons shouts at us to stick it up our bullhorn and walks across the street and through the parking lot of this medical building (where we were standing.) We figure he’s leaving but he walks into the building.  I think, “maybe he’s checking in on his illicit lover.  After all, he IS a democrat!” Then he leaves.  Instead of driving out of the parking lot in the proper direction, he backs out, away from us, and unto the main highway.  I was suddenly reminded of Kerry throwing his swiftboat into reverse and fleeing the scene during a gunfight necessitating his return to pick up that Rasmussen fellow who fell overboard or whatever.  The operant picture here is fleeing in reverse---just like Fuckface.

8 PM rolls around and we decide, since that’s when their meeting was to begin, that we should leave.  Plus it was dark and becoming pointless to be out there if they were all inside.

That’s when the fun began. A cop car pulls up.  He goes to talk to goon number 1.  We figure, “hmmmm, what’s up with the cop?  We have a right to be here.” I went to several of the guys and said that we should not leave.  At least not while the cop is here.  It would be a sign of weakness. 

We stay. 

We watch. 

The cop gets in his car and we think it’s all over.  Not quite.  He’s calling for backup.

Meanwhile this other assclown drives into aforementioned medical building’s parking lot, IDs himself as some sort of building supervisor and begins to tell us this is private property and did we ask permission to use it.  (Mystery solved about the reverse driving assclown.  He’s one of the owners of the place and called this stupidvisor guy.) We all look at each other and know that between the street and the parking lot, the county owns 15 feet right of way.  So we go there.  I shout out to him, “hey!!!  Do these cars (referring to the Democrats’ cars) have permission to be in your lot?  Did they ask?” You know the answer, right?  He backs out, too!  Must be a Democrat thing.

Meanwhile, the cop is still there.  Somewhere in between all this we break into song and belt out America the Beautiful.

By now, number 2 cop shows up--a Sergeant.  OOOOOHHH!!!  We’re scared now.  Both cops talk to goon 1 and we continue to verbally taunt the Dems.  I make chicken noises.  I also meow like a cat in the hopes they will figure out I am indicating they are a bunch of pussies for calling the cops.  I make jackass noises.  (far be it from me to blow my own horn but I do a fine impersonation of all these critters!!)

The cops come over to talk to us and say that they were called because the Dummycrap women were feeling “threatened” and “intimidated!” Now ain’t that a bunch of pussified shit?  The head cop tells us we can do our thing when men are there but to refrain when women are as it could be construed a threat or disturbance of peace. 

I don’t know about you but I am not sure how that can be with women but not with men.  I asked the cop what we should do if a man AND woman show up together?  Could we taunt them, then?  Or does the mere presence of a woman stifle my ability to free speech?

Hey, the cops were doing THEIR job and I have nothing against them.  They were trying to maintain the peace.  They have to deal with jackasses all day and we were not about to make their lives miserable by harassing them.  I could never be a cop.  I’d get kicked out for “overuse of the nightstick” phenomena!  hehehehe

By then, it was REAL dark and our purpose had been served so we left.

But not quietly.

I walk away yelling, (cue Monty Python again) “HELP!  HELP!  I’m being oppressed!”

Ya know, I’m tempted to call the sheriff to get his take on this.  Maybe even a lawyer.  What the cop said sounds like it was said more to defuse the situation than an actual point of law given WHAT we were saying.  Making general political comments somehow does not fit into my definition of intimidation or threat.

I AM however, looking forward to the next protest.  We should do the same thing we did last night and if I have my way, we should ignore the cop’s “guidance” from last night, too.  I just can’t see anyone being arrested for doing what we did but if we DID get arrested we should then threaten to sue the Democratic party for harassment, false imprisonment, defamation etc.  I’d like to see anyone prove a case where saying things like, “4 more years” is considered threatening.

All in all, isn’t it typical of dems to pull this shit?  Soon as things don’t go like they want, they begin to act like petulant children yelling for their mommy.  They go crying to the police to protect them because they do not know how to defend themselves.  They are morally, ethically, logically and intellectually bankrupt.  After all, they support Kerry, right?  And he speaks French.  And the French have never really won any wars, have they?  But they DO know how to surrender!!

P.S.  I hope someone has contacts in the Dem party who reads this blog and forwards this to the local Dem Executive Committee Chairman.  (for all I know, it could have been goon #1 from last night!)


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/24/2004 at 08:07 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPatriotism •  
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calendar   Wednesday - September 22, 2004

Try This At Home--Really!!  Do It Now!

Ever since Dan Blather at C-B.S. admitted he’d been hoodwinked the Democratic Party has been in serious back-pedal mode denying, denying, denying all links to said party as influencing the decision to go with the story.

Joe Lockhart had this to say to Fox News:

“it’s simply about a “gentleman who wanted to give some political advice to the campaign” and was frustrated by his inability to have his phone calls returned.”

He also said:

“A CBS producer called me on Saturday and told me she was doing a story on the National Guard. One of the people who had been helpful to her was interested in talking to the campaign—specifically mentioned my name - she gave me his number. I waited a day or so just because I was busy at the time. I called him. We talked for about, I’d say, three or four minutes.”

So here’s what I’d like everyone to try:  call the DNC, ask to speak to Joe and say you are frustrated at not having your phone calls returned.

Then sit and wait for him to call you back.

and wait........

and wait........

and wait........

and wait........

and wait........

and wait........

and wait........

Um hmmmm, just as I thought.  He never called you back, did he?

So why is it the DNC continues to describe Burkette as nothing more than an ordinary man?  Obviously he is much more than that yet somehow the press never really lets on do they?


Looks like Burkette is now pissed he got his pone call returned and is suing CBS.

Is anyone surprised that this foron belongs to the party that wants to have a trial lawyer as VP (and a party in the back pockets of the trial lawyers in this country)and is now suing?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/22/2004 at 09:07 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 21, 2004

More Outrageous Dummycrap Behavior

Read these and tell me if you believe Dems have either shame or honor or a sense of decency.

From the land of Californicators (of course) we see where a city council candidate is passing out leaflets advocating the assassination of President Bush.  It’s one thing to sit around wishing someone would get shot but to openly advocate it?

And in typical dummycrap fashion, when asked if he’s ever committed a violent act this scumbag replied “no” but also added:

“But if I did, I wouldn’t be honest about it”

You still think Dems are honorable?

In Gainesville, home to one of our readers, I find this little gem about a (don’t be too surprised now) SOCIAL BEHAVIOR SCIENCES teacher slugging the head of the Republican Executive Committee in Alachua County.  Yep, a teacher (natch!, most are socialists, anyway!) of SOCIAL BEHAVIOR!!!!!!!

I hope they fire the bastard but knowing unions, he’ll be idolized for doing what he did.

Lastly we have a story where cops in New York are seeking this guy who actually threatened to kill the president.

What’s up with these wack-jobs anyway?

If anyone can point me to articles where Republicans are getting arrested for such behavior or even threatening such behavior against Fuckface I would appreciate it.  Don’t just tell me about them; I want the LINKS!  Verifiable links, not Dan Blather-type links!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 07:08 AM   
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More Bullshit At C-B.S.

If you want to get even more pissed off at what CBS did concerning Blather-Gate, check out this story where Kerry advisors were consulted on the memos.

Now Joe Lockhart is denying he was the second person to talk to Burkett prior to release of the story.

It drives me into a blind rage when I see this crap taking place and CBS denying they are not biased.  If they weren’t then how come NO ONE from the Bush Administration was ever consulted?  Why were all the people consulted members of the DNC or Democratic party?

Think about it:  that what they did is a felony!  Therefore to refuse to admit who provided the forged memos makes them accomplices to that felony.  And all C--B.S. can do is say that although the papers are forged, the allegations and story behind it has an element of truth to it.

This is nothing more than corruption at the highest levels of CBS, the DNC and the Kerry campaign.  And you can tell how bad it is when all you get is denial, denial, denial, denial.

I just hope the Republican National Committee unleashes its big dog lawyers and goes after these fucking sons of bitches.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 05:34 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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calendar   Friday - September 17, 2004

Is This The Face Of The Democratic Party?

The media is nothing but socialist leaning, Democratic sycophants with a bias the size of the Mississippi, right?  I think we can all agree on that.

I believe you will also agree that if Republicans had acted in the manner I am about to illustrate, it would be splashed all over every newspaper, TV news program, and Cable News show.  Right/

My conclusion?  Republicans are truly compassionate and WAY MORE tolerant of asshats who disagree with them than the Dummycraps.  They are also busy working PLUS they tend to be law abiding which means they’d not really do this kind of stuff for fear of going to jail and losing their jobs(a concept lost of the Donks.)

So let’s start with this assclown who gets rowdy on an airplane causing the pilot to declare a minor emergency and landing in Canada.

Turns out he’s a Kerry supporter who got drunk and began arguing with a Bush supporter.  She got upset after he began touching her; called the attendants who promptly found themselves having to deal with an enraged asswipe deliberately spilling alcohol containers.

Asswipe’s lawyer calls the airline’s actions an overreaction and that his client neither threatened nor was violent.

As if we care?  This stupid shit for brains should know you don’t mess with flight crew.  PERIOD!!  The airlines is suing for the aviation fuel costs.

His vacation was ruined.

Tough shit.

Then again, this could be a good tactic to take on flights.  Get these assclowns all riled up, cause them to do something stupid, they get arrested (generally it’s a felony to mess with air crew) and lose the right to vote.

Hmmm, who’s with me on this?

Next up is something you’ve probably already seen or heard.

A family goes to a Kerry rally and holds up a Pro-Bush sign.  Dummycraps ripped the little girl’s sign to pieces.  She cries.  (you know, if this kind of crap keeps up I will be forced to assume Dems are no better than Muslims, those practitioners of the religion that advocates killing innocent women and children!)

Lastly, we have this one where a woman attends a speech given by Laura Bush and is wearing a T-shirt which says, “President Bush you killed my son.” She then engages in yelling and carrying on.

She wanted to know why her son was killed in Iraq.  Being a Dummycrap I guess I have to forgive her stupidity for not knowing why we are in Iraq.  But I won’t.  She’s a stupid fucking moonbat who needs to be taken out behind the barn and have the shit beat out of her for dishonoring her son’s death.

Hearing about her reminds me of Glenn Beck’s program where he holds a “Moron Trivia” contest and asks people simple questions like:  What is the main kind of precipitation falls during a hurricane?  What religion do most Jews practice in Israel?  Who is the Vice President?  Who’s the main character in the TV program ‘Everyone Loves Raymond”?

These fuckwits are so stupid you wonder how they’ve survived as long as they have on this planet.

Heaven help us if these assclowns vote.

Oh, and one more thing.  While listening to Glenn’s program this morning a woman called in to say she and her daughter were at this professional women’s group meeting and her daughter was wearing a Bush/Cheney sticker.  They went up to the table (wo)-manned by the President of this group who was handing out free pencils.  The little girl was given one but when the president of the group saw the sticker she took the pencil from the little girl and said (paraphrased) “if you want a pencil you’ll have to take that damned sticker off!”

Yep, the party of the little people alright.  Full of tolerance and love for their fellow humans!!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/17/2004 at 10:03 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - September 15, 2004

Blather-Gate Redux

I don’t need to go back over everything that’s been happening since Dan Rather stepped on his dick with the most recent documents release.

First off, let’s give some thought to the fact that CBS first stated they’d release a “clarifying statement” regarding the documents at noon.  Then it went to 1 PM, then 3:30 PM.  Now it is set for 5 PM.

Can you imagine how much word-smithing is taking place in order to release something that allows SEE-BS to not only justify Rather’s huge malicious hoax but also attempt to word it such that it is a vast right-wig conspiracy fobbed off on them.  My only question to those who have already asserted this is the following:  “if this is a vast right-wing conspiracy, release the name of the sources and do background checks on them to see if they are, in fact, Republicans.”

Of course, that will never happen.

So while we wait, why not read another “expose” Dan Blather is responsible for. 

In 1988, Danny Boy aired a program called, “CBS Reports: The Wall Within” where he had interviews with Vietnam vets who claimed to have been traumatized by all the killing they either committed or witnessed in Vietnam.  Except almost all of it was false!

Here are some snippets:

“Under Rather’s gentle coaxing, Southards described slaughtering Vietnamese civilians, making his work appear to be that of the North Vietnamese. ”

Gentle coaxing?  More likely Rather offered him a bottle of booze to invent the story. This guy spent most of his time in the brig for being AWOL.

“Rather then moved on to suicidal veteran named George Grule, who was stationed on the aircraft carrier Ticonderoga off the coast of Vietnam during a secret mission. Grule described the horror of watching a friend walk into the spinning propeller of a plane, which chopped him to pieces and sprayed Grule with his blood. The memory of this trauma left Grule, like Steve, unable to function in normal society. ”

The Ticonderoga was off California’s coast, not Vietnam’s duing this period.  And Grule never saw the accident.

“Mikal Rice, who broke down as he described a grenade attack at Cam Ranh Bay, which blew in half the body of a buddy, “Sergeant Call.” “He died in my arms,” Rice tearfully recalled. Rice described how the sound of thunder and cars backfiring would regularly trigger his terrible memories.”

Never saw combat.  Was a guard.

“Terry Bradley, a “fighting sergeant” who told Rather he had skinned alive 50 Vietnamese men, women, and children in one hour and stacked their bodies in piles. “Could you do this for one hour of your life, you stack up every way a body could be mangled, up into a body, an arm, a tit, an eyeball . . . Imagine us over there for a year and doing it intensely,” Bradley said. “That is sick.”

Spent a year in jail for being AWOL.  Never happened.  Fuckwad never even questioned the validity of this guy’s assertion.  Imagine a whole year of skinning bodies.  Do the math.  Acording to this guy, 50 an hour for a year.  1200 a day x 365.  This guy’s unit virtually single-handedly wiped out the Vietnamese people.  But, hey, we have a point to make and if facts interfere with our opinions we can’t let them get in the way.

So this is not the first time Fuckwad Blather has not checked his sources.  This son of a bitch hates the Republican party so much he’d rather (no pun intended) invent stories than verify them.

So, while we’re at it, how about sending an email to this address:

According to CBS’s web page, that’s the address you can send an email to alerting them to a scam.

How’s this for an idea:

Dear CBS:

I was watching the television the other day and there was this older guy trying to pawn off some antiques. They looked genuine at first glance, but then I talked to some friends who know something about this kind of antique. They said that it could be reproduced quite easily with modern equipment. When I checked back with the old television guy, he assured me that it was genuine. I didn’t know what to do!

Finally, someone pointed me to a Web site where I could see a side-by-side comparison of a cheaply reproduced product (made in only a few minutes!) with the antique being pawned. Identical matches. I’m glad I wasn’t scammed, but there may be thousands who didn’t see this comparison and might think that the fake antiques are real! If you could look into it, I think you’ll save a lot of people from making a terrible mistake.

The television station was channel 46 in Atlanta, and I think the old guy’s name was Ran Dather, or some such nonsense. I appreciate the work you do, keeping the public informed of those treacherous scams out there!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/15/2004 at 04:17 PM   
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calendar   Monday - September 13, 2004

Gorezilla Attacks (Again)


Al Gore just won’t go away. Between Gore and Bill Clinton this is starting to sound like “Return Of The Living Brain-Dead”. Neither one seems to want to leave us alone. Gore can’t let the 2000 election go and will probably go to his grave claiming to be President.

Congress needs to pass a law proclaiming a statute of limitations on whining. You have ninety days after an election to bitch, moan and whine and then you have to just shut the f**k up.

Gore is like the Energizer Bunny though, except this rabbit is rabid, foaming at the mouth and probably on drugs to boot.

In recent weeks and months, as an uncensored voice for the Democratic cause, Gore has skewered President Bush’s team for moral cowardice, the “lowest sort of politics imaginable,” aligning itself with “digital brownshirts” who intimidate the press, and political tactics as craven as those of Richard Nixon. Just to cite a few examples.

There you go again, Mr. Gore. It seems you can’t get beyond the politics of hate and name-calling.Have you no decency, man? No self-respect? C’mon, get a life, OK? The rest of us need a rest from your drug-induced hatred.

GOP strategist Keith Appell likens him to “some kind of cheerleader on acid.”

“Some of the things he has said have been outrageous and he says them in this high-pitched scream,” Appell said. “I really don’t know what to call that.”

“Cheerleader on acid?” Yep, that about sums it up. Except this cheerleader ain’t pretty and keeps repeating the same tired cheers over and over and over again. I would call it, delusions of grandeur compounded with paranoia and schizophrenia. And this man was almost President? I’d say we were pretty damned lucky he didn’t succeed in 2000.

“Gore will be a tremendous asset to us in a number of targeted battleground states and we’re happy to have his help,” said David Morehouse, a senior Kerry adviser. As for Gore’s more outspoken criticisms, Morehouse adds, “He’s a former vice president who’s entitled to say what he believes.”

Yep, he’s entitled to say what he believes, I guess. The Kerry campaign believes anyone is entitled to say what they wish as long as it follows the party line. However, let some group like the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth speak up and they file lawsuits, threaten book publishers and just generally let loose the censorship hounds.

“He was shackled with the trappings of the office of vice president in 2000 and it’s a shame, because I think it certainly held him back,” says Warren Gooch, a lawyer and party fund-raiser in Gore’s home state of Tennessee. “If he had been a little more forceful, a little more open and perhaps a little less cautious in 2000, it could possibly have made a difference.”

Now, Mr. Gooch is right on the money there. If Gore had behaved like this in 2000, the election would have been quite different indeed. Bush would have won in a landslide and there would have been no need for the Florida fiasco. The American people are smart enough to know madness when they see (and hear) it. At least those who haven’t been indoctrinated in the Democratic Party’s socialist agenda. Sooner or later, Al Gore will fade away, just like any other disease. We just need to continue taking our medicine for four more years.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/13/2004 at 06:18 AM   
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calendar   Friday - September 10, 2004

I’ve Started A Fad!!!!

NEWS FLASH! Now, even Drudge is doing it!

From now on, CBS News Anchor will officially be know as Dan Rather. Either you’re with us or you’re against us. I think it’s rather nice to honor Rather for his forgery-based story.

Join the Club. Let us all honor Dan Rather with this immortal badge of shame.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/10/2004 at 03:56 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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calendar   Thursday - September 09, 2004

The Silent Poodle

The poodle is keeping the reporters at arm’s length for some reason. He hasn’t held a press conference or talked to reporters following his campaign in over a month. Hmmmm. What’s the problem, Senator Waffles? Afraid one of them might actually ask you a substantive question that would require you to tell the truth for a change? Or maybe you’re happier letting all your 527 attack organizations carry the water for you with all of the bullshit personal attacks on President Bush?

What about what you said a few months back ....

“I’m going to have a press conference at least once a month to talk to the nation about what I’m doing, because I don’t have anything to hide,” Mr. Kerry told a Wisconsin audience Aug. 3.

Looks like Senator Fuckface is flip-flopping again. But that’s what we’ve come to expect from him. It’s too bad there are so many Moonbats and forons out there who will vote for the poodle just because he’s not George Bush. I have a message for them: GET A CLUE YOU F**KING RETARDS!

No matter what their reasons for hating Bush, it doesn’t justify electing this moronic lying gigolo.

Speaking of gigolos, the poodle seems to have convinced his rich moneybags wife that he is brilliant and the rest of us are “idiots”.

Kerry’s proposal includes health care subsidies for children, the unemployed, small companies and more; and government assistance to insurers and employers that keep premiums for workers down.

If Kerry is elected, Heinz Kerry predicts that opponents of his health care plan will be voted out of office. She says, “Only an idiot wouldn’t like this.”

Who the fuck does this woman think she is calling me an idiot? I don’t buy into this socialized medicine crap that Senator Waffles and the rest of the Dummycraps are preaching and I never will. Teresa may have come under the spell of this lying svengali (look that one up) but I ain’t buying it at all. Never have, never will. Period. You know how the poodle is going to finance this gargantuan medical plan don’t you? Everyone repeat after me, “RAISE OUR TAXES”. The Dummycraps and Hillary especially have already told us that is their plan: raise our taxes to provide socialized medicine - the same kind of socialized medicine that the people of France, Britain, Canada and a few other countries have proven just doesn’t work worth a flying damn. Ask any (sober) Canuck how he feels about their wonderful socialized medicine plan.

Damn! I’m glad it’s almost Friday. The Dummycraps are wearing me down with all their lying bullshit, attack ads, whining hypocricy and just generally childish, spoiled-brat behavior. I feel the need to visit my local rifle range this Saturday. I’ll have to find a suitable picture to paste over the 10-ring .... just for inspiration .... I wonder what I could use .... hmmmmm ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 01:18 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Zell Miller Drugged?

Now if that don’t beat all. The Democrats are now contending Zell Miller was drugged and forced to make that speech at the RNC.

Frothing-at-the-mouth Democrat attack dog James Carville is accusing Republican Party officials of drugging Sen. Zell Miller for media appearances after his speech to the GOP convention last week.

“They probably shot him up with something,” the wild-eyed Ragin’ Cajun insisted Wednesday during an interview with radio host Don Imus.

Carville leveled the bizarre charge after claiming that Republicans had written Miller’s speech, even though it contained lines Miller had used before and echoed much of the criticism of Democrats outlined in Miller’s recent book, “A National Party No More.”

But Carville insisted the renegade Democrat’s speech was strictly a put-up job.

“They got that poor man in the twilight of his career and just used him,” the former Clinton adviser insisted. “They said, ‘Look, go up there and say this,’ and they handed him a bunch of documents.”

Carville claimed Miller didn’t know “what he was talking about” in post-speech interviews, saying that’s why he grew angry when challenged by MSNBC host Chris Matthews.

When Imus noted that the Georgia Democrat sounded “fine” when he interviewed him the next morning,” Carville shot back: “They probably shot him up with something, you know. He just likes screaming at people.”

Is it just me or does anyone else think the Dummycraps have started to lose what little minds they have? These people are about one good drink of water away from being institutionalized. I wonder what drugs Carville and his Dummycrap friends are on? Rational people don’t make wild-ass statements like this. They must be drugged.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 06:58 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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